Dan Lenard

Co-host & producer, Dan Lenard has been a radio personality, a high school Media and Social Studies teacher and currently is a free lance producer and professional voice actor. He also a recognized industry expert and consultant in personal VO studio set–up and problem solving, specifically for voice over artists new to the industry, or experienced, but with little or no self-recording experience. Dan is also a Founding Board Member and Vice President of Technical Standards for World-Voices Organization. An industry association representing voice actors with home studios around the world.
George Whittam

Co-host, producer, and technical director of VOBS, George is known in the voiceover industry as the "studio engineer to the stars" providing technical support, studio design, consulting, and tech education to the VO community. George graduated with a B.A. from Virginia Tech in 1997. George runs his consulting business via www.GeorgeThe.Tech